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Calasparra Town Hall hs launched the project «Denominación de Origen y Destino,» a series of walking and cycle routes around the rice fields, with a view to doubling the amount of visitors this year.

Together with the project Gastropaisajes, counting on the colaboration of bars and restaurants in Calasparra to prepare special dishes and menus starring Calasparra rice, the Mayoress of Calasparra Teresa Garcia, says:
» We want to energize the economy of our part of the region through its natural resources, patrimony, culture, landscapes and socioeconomics such as our local rice. We want to convert Calasparra rice into a reference within the national gastro-economic patrimony, improve its position as a star product and highlight the unique patrimony of the sustainable rice industry.»
Programme of Rutas del Arroz 2024
These are circular routes for primarily for walkers, which are shared with other users such as cyclists and equistrian tourism, during the different cycles of the rice: sowing (Spring -May) and the harvest (Autumn – September/October).
Thursday 23 and Friday 24 May Ruta de los Espejos / Paisajes (The Route of Mirrors)
in the Paraje El Bayo.
Saturday June 1 Ruta “Paraje Soto de la Boquera “ with a visit to the Abrigos del Pozo.
Saturday June 16  Marcha Cicloturística BTT (Cycle March)
Saturday June 29  «Ruta Paraje Isla Tío Juan Vacas”
Friday August 23   «Ruta Paraje Isla Tío Juan Vacas”
Saturday September 15 Marcha Cicloturística. BTT
Saturday October 19  Ruta de la Siega en el Paraje de Rotas. (Harvesting in the Rotas area)
All the information about these routes is available at
NEXOnr Calasparra